Solo Sequoia teases ending Bloodline on SmackDown ahead of Backlash 2023

Solo Sequoia has been a go-to figure for The Bloodline since WrestleMania 39. Roman Rules hasn’t showed up on Crude since WrestleMania, working in the background. Solo Sequoia might have foreshadowed the finish of The Bloodline on the most recent episode of SmackDown.

This evening, on the Blue Brand, Jimmy and Jay Uso were caught up with discussing the success, and they asked Independent Sequoia for what reason he was so calm. Sequoia didn’t take a gander at him straightforwardly and let him know that he would be wise to go about his business tomorrow, quietly prodding a greater danger.


Keep going week on SmackDown, The Usos were dispensed with by Sequoia after they neglected to catch the Undisputed Label Group Titles once more. Nonetheless, Matt Conundrum shut down that.

This week he said less however said a ton. The Usos were astonished by Sequoia’s response, or deficiency in that department. This is an obvious indicator that WWE needs The Usos out of The Bloodline.

Solely after the backfire will fans become familiar with reality behind Sequoia’s goals. He will collaborate with The Usos to confront Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Matt Puzzle.

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